Podcast: Podcast

Cost Optimization vs Cost Cutting

Cost Optimization and Cost Cutting are both ways for an organization to save on costs but they usually have very different perceptions by many in organizations. We discuss why procurement professionals need to focus on Cost Optimization now so they do not have to worry about Cost Cutting later. 

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Types of Costs

In this episode we talk about the different types of costs that anyone making a strategic purchase should understand. We also go over how to break down total cost of ownership to assure that we are getting the lowest total cost of ownership along with other tips when considering managing costs internally! 

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Six Ways to use ChatGPT for Procurement

In this episode we go over six ways to use ChatGPT for procurement professionals to better streamline procurement workflows throughout the day! 

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Design for Total Cost of Ownership

In this episode we talk about how to get the lowest total cost of ownership right from the scope of work and specifications stage and how to best leverage suppliers to make sure that we are achieving best results when procuring goods and services.  We discuss why we need design for TCO, what design for…

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Contract Terms & Conditions

Every procurement professional should understand contracting! In this episode we talk about common terms and conditions that are in supplier contracts and how we want to negotiate them. This episode will also help in cutting down contracting lead time when working with your internal legal department. We also have a bonus at the end where…

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Interest Based Negotiation

In this episode we talk about creating value through interest based negotiation. If you are interested in making sure that you are getting the lowest total cost of ownership while also assuring that your supplier is thrilled with the deal then this is a must listen to episode! 

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Procurement Process Lite

Welcome to the first episode of ProcureStrategy! I am your host Louis Bastone to set the tone of this podcast going forward I am going to go over what I like to call procurement process lite, which you will hear a lot about in upcoming episodes when I cover different topics and strategies pertaining to…

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